Oaklands House, Rowlands Castle, Hampshire

Mat Utting has acted for the owner of this site for many years, first working to have the site allocated in the local plan as a Reserve Housing Allocation for 40 dwellings. At the invitation of the District Council, we later co-ordinated a large project team in the preparation and promotion of an outline planning application for the site’s development with 47 dwellings, including a number of affordable homes. Other key elements of the proposal included a detailed management plan for an adjoining Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC), a bespoke-designed surface water drainage system and balancing pond and a package of improvements to local footpaths and community facilities.

Proposals for the site’s development were the largest seen in Rowlands Castle for many years and generated a high level of public interest. Residents were kept fully informed of proposals for the site’s development at a two day public exhibition and a residents’ meeting, which we co-ordinated on our client’s behalf. Despite some local opposition to the proposals, outline planning permission was granted for the site’s development in August 2009, after Mat Utting addressed a highly charged meeting of the District Council’s Planning Committee.

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